ExtendScript Tools and Features¶
In addition to the specific functional modules and development tools, ExtendScript provides these tools and features:
- Global objects that support debugging and object inspection; these include the Dollar ($) object and the ExtendScript reflection interface.
- A localization utility for providing user-interface string values in different languages. See Localizing ExtendScript strings.
- Global functions for displaying short messages in dialog boxes. See User notification dialogs.
- An object type for specifying measurement values together with their units. See Specifying measurement values.
- Preprocessor directives that allow you to include scripts in one another and specify an execution target application.
- Support for extending or overriding math and logical operator behavior on a class-by-class basis. See Operator overloading.
ExtendScript also provides a common scripting environment for all Adobe JavaScript-enabled applications, and allows interapplication communication through scripts.
For information on these features, see Interapplication Communication with Scripts.