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User notification dialogs

ExtendScript provides a set of globally available functions that allow you to display short messages to the user in platform-standard dialog boxes. There are three types of message dialogs:

  • Alert - Displays a dialog containing a short message and an OK button.
  • Confirm - Displays a dialog containing a short message and two buttons, Yes and No, allowing the user to accept or reject an action.
  • Prompt - Displays a dialog containing a short message, a text entry field, and OK and Cancel buttons, allowing the user to supply a value to the script.

These dialogs are customizable to a small degree. The appearance is platform specific.

Global Methods


alert(message[, title="Script Alert", errorIcon=false]);


Displays a platform-standard dialog containing a short message and an OK button.


Parameter Type Description
message String The string for the displayed message.
title String Optional. A string to appear as the title of the dialog, if the platform supports a title. Mac OS does not support titles for alert dialogs. The default title string is "Script Alert".
errorIcon Boolean Optional. When true, the platform-standard alert icon is replaced by the platform-standard error icon in the dialog. Default is false.


Returns nothing


This figure shows simple alert dialogs in Windows and in Mac OS.

Windows Alert Windows Alert MacOS Alert

This figure shows alert dialogs with error icons.

Windows Alert w/ Icon MacOS Alert w/ Icon


confirm(message[,noAsDflt=false, title="Script Alert"]);


Displays a platform-standard dialog containing a short message and two buttons labeled Yes and No.


Parameter Type Description
message String The string for the displayed message.
noAsDflt Boolean Optional. When true, the No button is the default choice, selected when the user types ENTER. Default is false, meaning that Yes is the default choice.
title String Optional. A string to appear as the title of the dialog, if the platform supports a title. Mac OS does not support titles for confirmation dialogs. The default title string is "Script Alert".


Returns true if the user clicked Yes, false if the user clicked No.


This figure shows simple confirmation dialogs on Windows and Mac OS.

Windows Confirmation MacOS Confirmation

This figure shows confirmation dialogs with No as the default button.

Windows Confirmation w/ 'No' as default MacOS Confirmation w/ 'No' as default


prompt(message, preset[, title="Script Alert"]);


Displays a platform-standard dialog containing a short message, a text edit field, and two buttons labeled OK and Cancel.


Parameter Type Description
message String The string for the displayed message.
preset String The initial value to be displayed in the text edit field.
title String Optional. A string to appear as the title of the dialog, if the platform supports a title. Mac OS does not support titles for confirmation dialogs. The default title string is "Script Alert".


Returns the value of the text edit field if the user clicked OK, null if the user clicked Cancel.


This figure shows simple prompt dialogs on Windows and Mac OS.

Windows prompt MacOS prompt

This figure shows confirmation dialogs with a title value specified.

Windows prompt w/ title MacOS prompt w/ title